Happy Post-It Note Tuesday!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Ridiculous Me
I'm pretty sure that I've forgotten how to look "normal" in a photo.
I came to this conclusion as I was scouring Facebook for a photo to use as a head shot, which will be included in a directory at a work conference that I'm going to July. (Btw, I'm actually pretty excited about this conference. It's going to be in Portland, OR and flippin' love Portland.)
As I was going through my photos, I could not for the life of me, find a single one that said "young professional". On the contrary, it seemed like they all said "this girl might is crazy".
When I see a camera, my introverted-ness must fly out the window, because things like this happen:
It's pretty obviously a vanity shot that says "I'm standing alone in my bathroom taking pictures of myself". But, it's certainly much better than my sampling of "I'm puckering my lips and flashing the peace sign because I'm a white girl who thinks she's ghetto-fab" photos.
Did I made the right choice?

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Crafty Gals
Last month on Twitter, one of the folks that I follow Tweeted that they were on their way to Craft Night with their girls. I instantly thought: why am I not going to Craft Night with my girls? And why I have not thought of this before? What a fun idea!
Despite the fact that I'm a horrible planner, I decided that a Craft Night needed to happen in my life. I emailed my crafty friends, picked out a time that fit into all our nutzo schedules, and last night, our first one happened!
Five of us crammed around my tiny little dining room table to crochet, paint, dye eggs, and the like.
We caught up, drank Mojitos (made with the leaves from Minty the Mint Monster), ate some fabulous Pineapple Salsa (get the recipe from Lil Miss Wisecraker), and some yummy homemade bruschetta (made by Amy over at Brain Doodlies).
And, of course, we all laughed our butts off for three hours. Basically, it was a perfect night.
I just love these gals - I'm already looking forward to Craft Night 2.0 next month.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Something New: Top 2 Tuesday
As much as I love Post-It Note Tuesday with Supah Mommmy, I decided I wanted to try something new this week. Us Scatterbrained Gals like to switch it up every so often, ya know?

Today's category is Top 2 Things You Can't Live Without (or, more specifically, Top 2 Things You Would Not Like to Live Without).
Anyway, I stumbled across this great little meme from the Undomestic Momma called Top 2 Tuesdays. Every Tuesday, she presents a category and then you give your own Top 2 "things" in that category.
Catchy title? Cute button? Fun and easy? I'm in!
And, here are my 2 things:
1. Coffee
Not only do I love coffee almost any way I can drink it - iced with blueberry, vanilla latte, frozen mocha, caramel macchiato, cinnamon dolce latte, coffee frappaccino (you get the idea) - but, I am addicted. Seriously. I have cut back recently, but goodness knows if I don't get my cup 'o joe in the AM, my head will be pounding and I will dragging all day. It's pretty pathetic, I know. But, I still love my coffee.
2. My Camera
I'm not a professional photographer by any stretch of the imagination, but I just love being behind the camera. I got my first one (a Sony Cyber Shot) when I was 13, and fell in love immediately. I love documenting events, I love snapping photos of scenery and animals, I love that I have tons of photos to look back on, and I love the memories you can create with just a well-timed press of a button. It's a beautiful thing!
Monday, March 22, 2010
For the Record
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Please meet my mighty mint plant:

I call her Minty. She is one tough herb!
When I bought Minty last year, she was in a tiny little pot and I'd used most of the leaves by the time summer was over. Since I've heard that mint is a pretty hearty plant, I was hopeful that spring would bring new growth.
Then winter happened.
I was worried about our little porch garden during the abundance of snow. I really didn't think that any of our plants stood a chance after being buried in the white fluffy stuff on three different occasions (as a side note, I'm so thrilled to be referring to winter and snow in past tense).
But, Minty has proved me wrong. Just look at that plant! It's ginormous! And it's growing flowers! I didn't realize that mint was even a flowering plant! I'm so pleased.
She's like a cute, little minty monster.
Anyway... now I'm anxious to find some recipes to use my mint leaves in, aside from my go to summer party food: watermelon salad with mint leaves and feta or gorgonzola cheese (yum!). I'd love to hear some suggestions!
And after my luck with Minty (and because of the money she's saved me!) I will also most definitely be expanding my herb garden this year.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
(Mostly) Post It Note Tuesday
I have bad habit of counting my chickens before they hatch.
I had my Tuesday posties all set to announce that I was thisclose to being a car owner again and how excited I was (including an obnoxious post-it note filled with nothing by exclamation points).
Unfortunately, I let my excitement get ahead of me. We found out that the guy who was going to sell us the car would no longer be able to. I'm not upset with him because a family member needed it and I agree that family should always come first.
But, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't bummed out.
However, I've also decided that I'm going to be a Positive Polly. This could mean that something better might turn up, right? The car search resumes tonight!
In other, very happy, news:
Join the post-it fun! Click on Supah Mommy's post-it note to get all the details.

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