For the Smith Thanksgiving, I tried a new brussel sprout recipe (recommended by my mama), which was amazing! Basically, it's brussel sprouts that are sauted in bacon grease. I don't know how you can really wrong with that combination. They were so yummy, I cooked them again for the Welding Thanksgiving.

Dan and I brought most of the ingredients over to the Welding's house to cook so we could enjoy the Macy's Day parade together (we are still sans-cable TV) but I finished cooking the brussel sprouts at home after we saw Santa arrive in NYC before heading to my parents house (as a side note, I LOVE m kitchen).

We shared our Thanksgiving meal with my parents, Nana, and brother, Darren. We ate our selves silly and also spent a good part of the evening watching the reception on our wedding DVD since my Nana missed our dancing at the actual reception.
On Friday evening (after a long day of Black Friday baragain hunting for me, and work for Daniel), we headed across the drive way to celebrate our second Thanksgiving with Dan's parents, Leah, Jim, Ellie, Rose, and Keith. We skipped the turkey for Thanksgiving #2 since we had all eaten it at some point earlier in the week and Dan's Dad made an amazing roast. We had another amazing feast complete with fancy cupcakes/place holders made by Rose.

Dan and I were very happy to be able to spend the holiday with both our families without having to split the time up. Looks like we'll be saving that tricky business for Christmastime (it's going to be an interesting conglomeration of traditions, for sure!). Anyway, it was the best way we could imagine to spend our 1st holiday together and I'm positive that the Thanksgiving season will always be a special time for us in the years to come.
And now that Thanksgiving's over, we can officially begin celebrating the most wonderful time of the year! Yay!!
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