Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hair Cuts and Optimism

Did you ever notice how simple external changes can completely make over your entire outlook? I seemed to have experienced that with my latest hair cut. Sure, I received some stellar news about the future of my employment at Eastern just the day before I got it cut, and, of course, the spring-like whether last week helped to put me in a better mood than I've been in the previous couple of weeks... but, still, it's almost uncanny how much my mood has lifted post snip.

Maybe the shedding of hair has somehow metaphorically mirrored the lightening of my burdens. Perhaps the fact that it's now more manageable is helping me feel more in control of my life. Or it could just be that I actually feel cute for once. Hey, a boost to the self-esteem never hurts!

Whatever is going on, hair related or not, I am certainly enjoying the ride! It's about time.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Awww! I'm glad you feel cute! But I think you LOOK cute all the time! :D Looooove you and I'm super glad that you're feeling better.