I learned about Post-It Note Tuesday, hosted by
Adventures of a WannaBe Supah Mommy, last week from Steph of
A Grande Life. I couldn't resist joining in on this fun meme.

Here is my first (slightly snarky) installment of the virtual, yellow posties (it's been "one of those days"):
<3 Brittany
I'll help you punch the tax season inventor too!!
And I saw in your about me about you becoming a doula. Awesome! I am currently going to school for my RN to work in L&D to help educate moms about their CHOICES. I am also a huge birth advocate/mom's right to an informed birth, too. So nice to see other's out there!
yes! i am all about making sure women know their options! thanks for the encouragement :)
Yay for women's choices & EDUCATION! Britt - one of my new neighbors is a doula! She isn't working right now & I haven't gotten all the details, but how cool is that!
Tax season is easy if you have a numbers-minded husband & turbo tax. Well, it's easy for me, I can't speak for Jim!
We so need to work on our master business plan...baby-wearing/cloth-diapering/doula & midwife using/breastfeeding classes/whatever else store/business.
are you friends with your neighbor?? i would LOVE to meet her and talk doula!!! also, is she birth or postpartum?
i'm also down for getting together to talk business :D let's get together soon.
I bet you could really have a market to the ritzy KOP moms. Those ladies go out all when they have kids! I'm sure they're interested in options and willing to pay whatever necessary to get them!
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