Tuesday, February 2, 2010


My sewing skills are slowly improving! I've been working on covering our icky throw pillows that the cats have been shredding to pieces. Pillows are such a quick, satisfying little project and an easy way to experiment.

Here is the one that I made this weekend, flanked by two that Madre made me a few months ago. I just love yellow and purple together.

I used the left over fabric from the yellow and gray pillows along with some inexpensive, sturdy plum fabric from JoAnn's ($5.99/yd, plus a 50% off coupon - score!).

I made this other wonky looking plum pillow last week. It's the first pillow I've ever sewn, and due to my propensity to start projects without actually thinking them through it turned out less than stellar.

But, it's definitely better than the "before" product - i.e. The shredded, brown fleece pillows. I'm hoping to have them done within the next week. I still have a bit of yellow and gray fabric left, so I'll incorporate it somehow.

I have a few other apartment-improving projects in the works, too (mostly fun and cheap ways to make my un-paintable white walls and icky cream colored carpet look less... bleak). Check back soon to see my super thrifty wall-art.

<3 Brittany


Steph said...

I love the "left-over" pillow. I wish I could sew!

Brittany said...

thanks :) i was really happy with how it came out.

i just started sewing back in December... and may have had a bit of a tantrum while trying to figure out how to use my sewing machine for the first time =P (thank goodness it came with an instructional DVD!). but, now i actually like it!