Thursday, March 25, 2010

Crafty Gals

Last month on Twitter, one of the folks that I follow Tweeted that they were on their way to Craft Night with their girls. I instantly thought: why am I not going to Craft Night with my girls? And why I have not thought of this before? What a fun idea!

Despite the fact that I'm a horrible planner, I decided that a Craft Night needed to happen in my life. I emailed my crafty friends, picked out a time that fit into all our nutzo schedules, and last night, our first one happened!

Five of us crammed around my tiny little dining room table to crochet, paint, dye eggs, and the like.

We caught up, drank Mojitos (made with the leaves from Minty the Mint Monster), ate some fabulous Pineapple Salsa (get the recipe from Lil Miss Wisecraker), and some yummy homemade bruschetta (made by Amy over at Brain Doodlies).

And, of course, we all laughed our butts off for three hours. Basically, it was a perfect night.

I just love these gals - I'm already looking forward to Craft Night 2.0 next month.


JMJE said...

Yes this looks really fun. I'm going to make some of my friends do it with me.

carissa said...

super fun! i have to have one of these with my girls!

Devon said...

looks like a great time! wish i had some girls to have a craft night with!! maybe some day!