Monday, April 19, 2010

A Blatantly Narcissistic Post About My Hair

I have a confession: I have not had a hair cut in over year. And man, do I need one... bad. I used to have bangs! I used to have layers! But, now my hair is an unruly, split-end infested blob that, more often than not, gets thrown into a pony-tail and forgotten about.

Why have I let this go for so long? I think it's a combo platter of being my cheap, coupled with the fact that I haven't found a hairdresser in PA yet (well, to be fair, I haven't actually looked for a hairdresser in PA...).

I've decided that it's time. It may not be this week.... but, soon. Very soon. My hair is starting to develop a mind of its own (blonde hair - genetically engineered to be smart!).

Here's the problem. I am on the fence about what to do with it (hence an entire, ridiculous blog post devoted to my hair). Last year when I got it cut, I really got it chopped. Chin-length, bangs, stacked in the back, layers, the whole nine yards. It was fun and sassy. And, I loved it.

(I think this have become my "token short hair photo")

So, why I don't I just get the same cut?

Here's the caveat. Before I was married, my hair was quite long. At least past my shoulder blades. It had face-framing layers. It was a classic, and I could do a lot with it. And, I loved it.

(yikes! Almost forgot about Dan's long hair days)

You can see my dilemma? =P

So, what do I do? The only decision I've made so far is that bangs are out because my hair just grows too dang fast, and I hate keeping up with them. Other that, I'm stuck!

Should I go short, long, in-between (mullet?), or just say screw it all., and get a pink mohawk? Help!


Jena said...

I've been doing the "Hair Yo-Yo" for a decade now. Bangs are -endlessly- problematic and if you can do without them, go for it. I like the sassiness of the short cut, I think it's more "cool 20-something young married." However, long hair is good for getting out of your face, which is useful at a birth (when you get there) or any other time you don't want it flopping around. Bth styles look lovely on you.

What I did for a couple of years was cut up to about shoulder length in spring/summer and get some weight taken out of it with a razor or those comb scissors, and then grow it out until the next year. It's one cut a year and you can kind of have it both ways.

Amanda said...

I did the whole change my hair totally thing about a year ago and I hated it. I say stick with your no bangs idea, they are soooo much work! What about a bob that is between the chin and shoulders and some layering around the face?

Screen Door Prep said...

I had an "I think I want platinum instead of warm blonde, punky shoulder-length instead of long" lapse in hair judgment right after I had my daughter. Then I saw my wedding photos, & I haven't gotten anything but a trim since. =) You look SO much like one of my sorority sisters - especially with the cute short 'do!

I left you an award on my blog yesterday! =)

Helen McGinn said...

Long, straight bob, layered or feathered round the face so that it looks nice when you wear it up but with a nice, sharp cut at the back. Well, you did ask..... ;O)

Coryanne Ettiene | Kitchen Living with Coryanne said...

I am the ultimate human yo-yo, I go from elfin to long every few years. I think I have finally settled with a long bob...very mummy I know. The good thing about hair is that it grows, so even the worse cut of your life is only temporary. Dying to know what you end up with. I know you will look lovely.

Cole Franke said...

I think you should do the longer bob look with maybe some side bangs. here are some cute ones- wow sorry that link was longer than I thought. lol that or the mullet. ;)

The Suburban Gal said...

Hmm, I am also in the no haircut club. I have had the same "do" if you can even call it that, for YEARS. I think I got it trimmed in the fall sometime. Before that it had been the previous December. I think I need to find a good stylist nearby & have a serious makeover.

I say longer bangs if any & I think I like your hair best somewhere right above the shoulders. Not as long as your college years, and not as short as that photo. Of course, I'm sure it will be cute no matter what!

Tammy said...

Go right in the middle! You look cute with both lengths so you will look great in the middle too! I grew my bangs out just last year (a girl with bangs all my life)! Took me awhile to get use to it but now I love it. (I especially don't miss me taking the scissors to my bangs or going in for bang trims) :) Can't wait to see the new do!

Devon said...

i've always been a long-haired girl... but last week got mine layered and chopped above my shoulders... what a nice change!! i think you can get away with whatever you decide.... but it might be nice just to trim it and let it grow out to be long. then if you get tired of it, you can chop it off!

Unknown said...

Ah, the hair dilemmas that women face! I know a great salon in Phoenixville called Panache. Not TOO pricey, but not Hair Cuttery either.. and they have really talented stylists who are good at listening to what you want and giving you that exactly but keeping it modern and knowing what looks best on you. I HIGHLY recommend it. :)