Friday, July 27, 2012

The Scatterbrained Mama

It's has been nearly two years since I've updated my poor, forlorn, little blog. Two years! It was not a concious decision to give it up necessarily, life just happened and I got out of the habit of posting, I suppose.

But, I've been realizing how much I miss it. And how disappointed I am to not have the last year, especially, chronicled because... what a year it's been!

I've been wanting to get this blog of mine back up and running for about a good month now (and may have been getting some nudging from a few people...). My brain is overflowing with posts!

I've been dragging my feet partly because my blog is in need of a new title and will then, of course, need a new look to go along with it. No longer am I Little Miss Scatterbrained... I am now The Scatterbrained Mama! Yup, I'm re-entering the blogosphere as a "mommy blogger" (more on that in a future post, of course!).

I'm not so good with the whole blog revamping thing, so it might take some time and look a bit funky for a bit (plus, I do love my current layout, so it will be missed!). But, I can't wait forever until it all looks perfect, and really, content is key, right? Just bear with me a while I work on the aesthetics.

Anyway, here's to my first blog post as a mom! I'm excited to be back :)

1 comment:

That Girl said...

I'm the nudger!!! And I totally need to update my blog too! I'm going to be better at it- I promise! :)