Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Spreading the Bloggy Love

I feel incredibly honored! Today, I found out that not one, two lovely ladies nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger award.

The first nomination comes from Rene at ReneW Your Space, a wonderful blog written by a Professional Organizer. Yes - you read that right! In case the title of my blog didn't give it away, I am probably one of the most unorganized people you'll ever meet. So, I find Rene's blog truly inspiring!!

The second nomination came from Lisa at A Double Shot of Espresso. She is a wife and mom and her blog is light-hearted and fun with a great sense of humor.

Thank you both for the nomination and, of course, congratulations to both of you, too! :)

Since I already bored with you my seven "interesting" things, I'll forego that tonight. However I'm all about spreading the love. So, here are seven more ladies who are also beautiful bloggers:

The rules of the award are simple: 1.) Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog, 2.) Copy the award and paste it onto your blog, 3.) Let us know 7 interesting things about you, 4.) Nominate 7 other beautiful bloggers.


Lori said...

You are too sweet!!!

Thank you!!

Congrats on your award!

(I am working on the whole organization thing..I think I just need a personal assistant at this point though!)

Shana Putnam said...

Wow. Thank you so much!!

JMJE said...

Wow, Thanks for the award. It's my first one!